Artists innovating in the Medical Arts-warning:you can die of a typo! 1 Corinthians 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing…
Hi…My name is Sari Grove…Sari sounds like Mary…I’m an artist…
Medicine has been my hobby for many years…As a child I wanted to be a brain researcher, but thought that if I went to medical school, that I would not have enough creative energy left afterwards to pioneer some new ideas…
So I have been puttering along, exploring life as an artist, with all the freedom that entails…
Long story short, I invented a way to see the body, that could explain imbalances & their fix, in an easy to read chart…
I called this: “The Grove Body Part Chart”…
So I made a short 3d animated film about that, then I used the still images from that to write a book-which was a far easier way to explain things than the movie(3d animation took me about a year to learn)…
I allowed people to read the first book for free from my website, & thousands did…
Empowered, I wrote 7 more books, & called them “Grove Health Science”…
My husband, Joseph Grove, is also an artist, & helps me with just about everything…
His grandfather was a soldier who got a military scholarship from Oxford to become a Physician, & later served as a Physician in Nova Scotia during World War 2…
My Dad was a neuro-ophthalmological surgeon, who also taught interns, & wrote textbooks…
So we both had a healthy knack for medicine, despite choosing the artist’s path…
We are now working on Book 9…Grove Health Science(8 books) is still available as a free read on our website at
These days we are straddling art & medicine…
Our “How to see a lump…” sticky post on our blog gets alot of attention, as it is a way for people for example to see what a lump under the skin say in your breast looks like, in colour, with different colours representing different elements that we identify…It is a way to take pictures of a lump, edit them yourself using a free online photo edit program, then evaluate how your alternative medicines are doing…
Of course, Sari created the ‘Do It Yourself editing method’ in order to see a lump in her own breast…It was how she was able to devise a protocol to stop & reverse spread, as well as to revert malignant back to benign…
The path of helping others became a more selfish path of helping herself…But as that journey is coming to an end, the lump has been basically dealt with, detox has been done, & a type of stability is establishing itself, the direction is turning back outward again…
In the course of this journey into “Cancer” (in quotes because it felt more like a journey into “Parasites”), so much more medical knowledge has been gained…
Knowing about Serrapeptase(from lung cancer applications) enabled a quick answer when speaking to someone with Cystic Fibrosis…
Having the Grove Body Part Chart(& now the Grove Brain Part Chart) as an easy reference enabled the answer of Phosphatidyl choline for Trigeminal Neuralgia…
So far, being artists, who are bridging the gap between art & medicine, is still a grey area…
Out of the box thinking when it applies to medical needs is so desperately needed, & yet we are still shy to monetize because paying an artist for a painting is conventionally acceptable, but paying an artist to help you find ways to Do It Yourself out of a medical trap might seem like lunacy…
So we have been helping people for free & continuing our research in the helping…
It is very gratifying & luckily we have enough funds to support ourselves…
Perhaps, organically, in the future, it will be natural to ask an artist to consult on medical problems that have stumped the regular crowd…
Or perhaps, the future is here…
Thanks for reading,
Feel free to write to Sari Grove directly at if you have any questions about the Chart, our website, or the How to see a lump editing process…
We are also members of many Facebook groups where we get to see firsthand how people respond to certain treatments or ideas…For instance, people love the idea of cannabis for Cancer, & yet the most elegant of things, Licorice root for cancer seems much harder for people to embrace…It is not just what is right for an imbalance, there are also politics, economics, & the art of it that one has to consider…
Joseph himself should be taking melatonin to help him sleep, but he still prefers alcohol-despite his own admission that it is a clumsy help…So even when self-medicating we are our own worst doctors…
& therein lies the rub…A form of Iatrogenic effect from the doctor who self medicates…
Sari Grove
p.s.Please use the SEARCH tool at the top of the page…Type in a word you are looking for, & any articles we have written about that word will come up…