Correction:BETWEEN the time the laboratory diagnosed IDC & the Oncologist appointment 2 weeks later, my diagnosis changed from IDC to DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ…This is because it took 3 weeks after the core needle biopsy for the lab report to get to a doctor at a medical clinic who was so busy he could not answer the phone himself, & I could not be bothered going in to get my results…So I had time to continue working on the problem, which I had already begun working on BEFORE anyone else had looked at it besides me…So I had maybe 5 weeks between biopsy & onc appointment to eradicate as best I could…Which is why at the Onc appt., the assistant doctor didn’t want to tell me the lab results…They were already WRONG! Yay!
Hi, I’m Sari Grove…In 2014, I had a large invasive Ductal carcinoma lump In my left breast(diagnosed by core needle biopsy, mammogram, & ultrasound & oncologist) …I declined traditional treatment including lumpectomy & set about to save my own life… Crucial to that was discovering how to reverse the chemistry of the lump back from malignant to benign( spoiler alert: I used Licorice root)… I also developed two ways to see your own lump with a camera & a computer… I teach how to do that easily yourself on my site( see the first two posts st http://www.grovecanada.ca )… But I also have been editing pictures for those who need help doing this kind of stuff… If you need help getting started, feel free to upload a very close up picture of where you want to look at to my Facebook messages box…I can edit the picture from there & reupload the results with a few comments… I don’t charge & I am a friendly type so don’t be scared…
Another update Dec. 20, 2015-Well, went back to the original title “DIY Cancer Repair Manual” due to the relative silence of this group on the update…Here’s a free version in PDF of the manuscript that is on Amazon as a Kindle book…So far…(they still get edited even after appearing on Amazon)…next is a paperback version…Happy Holiday season to all! I am spending the Christmas season working on this manuscript-thank you everyone in our group for helping to make it possible! http://grovecanada.ca/diy-diagnostic-imaging-free-book/
Update:I ended up titling the 9th book “DIY Diagnostic Imaging”, because people seemed to be more interested in diagnostic imaging than repair…Or maybe, people know about repair, & needed help with the diagnostic imaging part? Anyways…There are free versions of this book & all the others on our website at http://www.grovecanada.ca (there are pay for versions in paperback or Kindle on Amazon, but why pay if you don’t have to? well, it is nice to have a hard copy version…But wait…I am re-editing all manuscripts this Christmas & New year’s so the hard copies will get better in 2016!)Sari Grove DIY Cancer Repair Manual, is the title of the 9th book I am writing…Please join me in contributing your success stories! Maybe we shall make this a book of short stories? Each one written by a different person? This group could be the work in progress place where we share links to what we are writing…(on our blog or wherever)…Ideas? I’m Sari by the way sounds like Mary… p.s. make sure to go to the Files section & get the ‘how to see a lump in your breast’ file with links to our free ebooks as well…