Off the top of my head:
Castor oil, baking soda therapy, Flaxseed oil, really large amounts of oils ( Carbons), clean out Kidneys…
Vitamin E…
Raw plant based diet…
3 hour daily walks( slow)…
.Licorice root tincture…
Liquid Iodine lots…
Vitamin D3…
Mega Vitamin C…
What is Carbon? Carbon is the element on the Periodic Table that all oils contain…
Kidneys get blocked, especially from GMO foods & glutens, & that whole Carbon family addresses the blocks…
So choose any oils you like: Grapeseed oil, Flaxseed oil, Hemp oil, & so on… The oil part is the Carbon…
Baking soda is sodium biCarbonate- another Carbon( just powdered oil)…
Here is my chart…
The chart shows 12 body parts…
In each body part there are 2 elements that live as opposites in balance for health…
The Minus ones detox…
The Plus ones repair…
Since Cancer is a disease of excess, choose all the Minus elements to detox each body part…
Each word represents whole families of things …
Like for example, magnesium is in Epsom salts…
Manganese is in nuts & seeds…
Grove Body Part Chart